Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Time

This past week marked AJ's 12 week birthday. This was also our last football game of the season. It has been a very long season. Unfortunately the team did not have a winning was a bit rough at times. There is definitely room for improvement next year. The last game was a bit chilly so AJ was bundled up. I love the hat!!

Now that football has come to an end we were able to spend Saturday hanging out with the family. It was nice to sleep in a little. :)
We had a blast taking pictures..Katherine and AJ made us laugh! Katherine likes to have anything and everything in her mouth so it was no surprise that she started sucking on her cousins head during the photo shoot.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time flies by!

Time has really flown by since the last time I posted photos of Andrew. He is already 10 1/2 weeks old and is getting bigger by the day... He is over 10 pounds! I am having so much fun spending time with him. Andrew is smiling a ton and talking too.
This past week was AJ's first Halloween. He was dressed as a monkey...which of course was a huge hit. We visited a few houses in our neighborhood and then ended the night at daddy's football game where he was nice an warm.
As you can see Milo and Otis have finally warmed up to having an addition to the family. Any chance they get they try and lay on anything that the baby was on. They are definitely jealous!

Friday, September 26, 2008

AJ is already 1 month old!

Time has definitely flown by! I took AJ to get his 1 month pictures is amazing that he is already 5 weeks old. It was so fun!! I have a great time with him every day. Dad is crazy busy with football. His team has set a school record of starting out the season at 2-0. Tonight is their 3rd game so we hope they keep up the streak. I took him to his first game last Friday and he did amazing. We look forward to the next 2 weeks because Brett will have a break from work..YEAH!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our little man is almost 3 weeks old now. Over the weekend we went to Riverside to have his hand and foot prints taken. While we were there AJ had a few visitors. I was nervous to drive the hour because I didn't know how long his nap would last...he never sleeps! Thankfully we survived...AJ did wonderfully. We went to the doctor again today and he is now 6lbs. 15 oz. He is packing on the weight...We can't wait to see how big he will be in a month!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our Precious Little Boy

Our little man was finally born one week early on August 21, 2008. I was induced and was in labor for a little over 12 hours. We had some very scary moments but the end result is AMAZING. Daddy and I are in awe of our precious little guy. In one week he has already gained 3 oz. and grown an inch. We will go back to the doctor this week to see if he has packed on some more weight.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Waiting Game!

We are now playing the waiting game! I am officially 38 weeks along and anxiously awaiting Andrew's arrival. I was convinced that he would have made his appearance this past weekend but we did not have any such luck. In the meantime Brett remains busy with football and I will continue to chill out at home. Hopefully we will have a nice surprise this week.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Our 4 Year Anniversary

August 7th marked our 4 year anniversary. Time has really flown by! Brett was at work and it was my first day officially off of work. I made it 3 days and then due to my legs and feet swelling like HUMUNGOUS balloons...I was taken off of work. We went back to the doctor today and AJ is weighing in at 5lbs. 14ozs. We are ready for him any time now!